View Profile Dekuboy

53 Movie Reviews

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Pretty bad

The graphics were pretty bad, the sound wasn't very good, and it wasn't funny. Next time, spend more time on graphics, and think the jokes out before you try another Flash. But you still get a 1 because it's not quite total crap.

Insanimation responds:

ok then.


When I saw this at the top of the Flash list, I thought to myself "What is this random Flash that just passed up Tankmen and Waterlollies?" I thought that it was going to be some game or something I wasn't interested in. Finally, I just watched it, and I was very surprised. It was really funny, very well drawn, and very well animated. I found myself laughing throughout the movie. You did a really great job on this.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Meh, it won't be up there for long. It's already dropped in score tremendously, but it was there for a day, so yay for that. Thanks for the compliments!

Needs some work, good effort

Hey this really needs some improvement. (Better sounds, remove the sprite backgrounds, etc.), but I can tell that you put some effort into making it, and took it seriously. So I'm gonna give you a four. Save up for Flash, practice a bit more, and then submit some more stuff.

Really cool

It was very creative, and quit unique. I also felt that the music fit the animation well. Great job.


I loved it. I like the wobbling style of Another Day. I think it adds a uniqueness to the Flash. The animation was also superb. I didn't like the singing quite as much, but it was still alright. Overall, a really great job.

Absolutely awesome

I loved this Flash. The animation was excellent, and it tied in well. The music along with the pace of the Flash made it feel like one of those older cartoons, and the ending was funny and totally unexpected. 5/5. 10/10


This is great. It's funny, unique, and has some good animation. It reminds me of those commercials... I can't remember what they were for. Anyway, good job.

Good, but...

It was good, but felt a little fast paced. I think things happened a little too fast, and the camera was a bit crazy. However, it was funny and I liked the graphics. Good job, but for the sequel (If you're making one) make it a bit slowed down and less crazy.

If a Flash gets blammed in the woods, and there's nobody there to hear it, does it make a noise?

Evan @Dekuboy

Age 30, Male

Animator, Deku Scrub

Northgate Middle/High School


Joined on 2/21/07

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